Frequently Asked Questions
Bad Weather
The two 'runs' will start promptly in wind or rain but if we think there is a risk of participants injuring themselves, we will postpone them. We will postpone if the ground is icy and people might fall or if the ground is covered in snow and the uneven nature of some parts of the course could cause twisted ankles. These are difficult judgements to make and in any event, participants are responsible for their own safety.
If you are in any doubt about possible postponement, please look at this website as we will put a message here. A final decision will be posted online by 4pm on the Saturday before the event.
When do entries open?
Entry is now open.
How do I enter?
Please use the entry section of this website and follow the instructions. Alternatively, you can use the downloadable Application Form.
What are the different entry categories?
Registration before the day for the 1k is £5 and the 5k is £7. On the day registrations are double, if there is space.
How do I qualify for any discount?
Sorry, there are no discounts for any class of participant or for any affiliations. The entry fees just about cover our costs so that all sponsorship goes direct to our charity.
How will I know I have entered successfully?
Upon successful entry up to one week before the event you will receive a registration pack through the post containing your number and other information. If you do not, please contact us and we will investigate. It is therefore important that you should give us your correct details. We will continue to accept entries as long as we can (see When will entries close? below) but if we cannot deliver your number to you in time, we may ask you to collect it from the Registration Desk half an hour before your run.
Do runners receive a running number?
Up to a week before the event you will receive a running number in the post. This should be prominently worn on your front so as to identify you as an authorised participant and eligible for the finishers egg.
When will entries close?
Entries will close on line on the Friday evening before the event. Postal entries should not be sent less than one week before the event, they can be hand delivered to the address listed on the form up to midday on the Friday before the event. You can enter on the day at double the fee as long as we have not reached the maximum numbers allowed.
For entry in the week before the event you must collect your running number from the registration desk in Queens Park pavilion half an hour before your start time.
Can I withdraw my entry and be refunded my entry fee?
Sorry, there are no refunds.
Do I need to fundraise for a charity?
The answer is no, but we encourage all runners to consider doing so. There are many charities to choose from. Our feedback from runners is that it can greatly enhance your experience.
Can I enter and fundraise for my own choice of charity?
Yes, but you must register as a standard entry. You will also have to take responsibility for the donations to the charity yourself.
On the Day
What time do the runs commence?
The 1k starts at 10am and the 5k starts at 10.30am. Both start promptly in normal circumstances.
How do I find out more about the courses?
For detailed course info please look at our course maps on this website or have a practice run round the course! There will be a location map and route in your registration pack.
Can I enter on the day?
Maybe. Entries on the day will be £14 for the 5k and £10 for the 1k. However, this will not be the case if the course capacity is reached.
Can I walk?
Yes. If you plan to walk the whole distance, we request that you allow runners to start in front of you.
Can my dog take part?
Yes. But we request that your dog remains on a lead at all times and that that you allow other runners to start in front of you.
Are the courses suitable for a wheel chair or push chair?
The start and finish of both races are in the park which can be soft and muddy making it difficult for wheelchairs and push chairs. However, we have had a few wheelchair entrants and many push chairs over the years who have completed the 1k. The 5k crosses roads and uses uneven paths and tracks so would be more difficult. We have never had entries using wheelchairs or push chairs in the 5k. Because it is a fun event and we would like everyone to take part please contact us if you have any questions.
We ask wheelchair and push chair users to start behind the main group of participants please.
Can I take part in fancy dress?
Yes, we would be delighted if you did. We encourage people to dress up and have prizes in both runs for best dressed bunnies.
What do finishers receive after the run?
All finishers receive an Easter egg (approximately 80gm) and water is available.
What facilities are available?
We have the use of Queens Park Pavilion which has toilets and changing facilities. There will be a bag drop desk where you can leave any items while you run. Please no valuables as we cannot be responsible for them although we do try hard to take care of your belongings. You will need your runner number to leave items and to retrieve them.
Do I need to register on the day?
If you already have your number, you do not need to register on the day. The registration desk is there for people who don't have a number, want to register on the day or have registration questions.
Are there any age restrictions?
There are no specific age restrictions but we do ask you to use common sense. We are not bound by UK Athletics regulations but you should be aware that they do not allow under 11s to take part in 5k runs. The Easter Bunny Runs are fun events and many people walk some or all the time so they can be suitable for all ages with care.
May I use poles (Nordic walking)?
Yes, but please start after the main group of runners and be careful not to pose a trip hazard for other people.your text here...
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Copyright 2024 Caterham Rotary Club. Founded 1929. Registered Charity No. 254116 | Website by Caterham Rotary